Dear Self,
Vow to seek the Truth all the time.
Vow to seek the Truth all the time.
Vow to never end questioning yourself, your path, your ways.
Vow to maintain an inner creed of "I might be wrong " , and declare it often.
Vow to always ask " How can I be wrong ? , What may be better ? " , and ask it often.
Vow to seek all opposing opinions, one by one, for one may hold the Truth.
Vow to be strong enough to admit your errors, and do it often
Vow to be strong enough to say " I was wrong" , and say it often.
Vow to be strong enough to say "Teach me ", and say it often.
Vow to never give up critiquing yourself till the moment you die.
Vow to change if you see the truth elsewhere, even if one breath is left in life.
Vow to keep your ultimate loyalty to the Truth.
Vow to defy your self, family, society, heritage if they oppose your Truth pursuit.
And if you don't do that, then you are hurting none but your self, and fooling none but your self.
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